WELCOME to "El Carmen´s Orchard", the English blog from "Our Lady of El Carmen" School in LUCENA (Córdoba)- BIENVENID@S a "La Huerta del Carmen", el blog de Inglés del Colegio "Ntra. Sra. del Carmen" de LUCENA (Córdoba)

jueves, 23 de febrero de 2012


The best you can learn about Machu Picchu and the Incas Empire is by watching these four videos from National Geographic. Whatch them on, is easy to understand the sound track because they are subtitled in Spanish... Don miss it.

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Video 4




viernes, 17 de febrero de 2012


In this video you can see the morning ambiance of a pub in London and the composition of a traditional English Breakfast: fried eggs, bacon, sausage, mushrooms, baked beans and tomatoes... A huge calorific meal to start the day with cold weather and gathering streng for hard works...

With these three videos from the BBC, you can learn to make it properly...

Here's the second part

And here you have the third part...

Gooooooood Appetite!

And to enjoy your English or Irish Breakfast, nothin better than learning this song form Richie Kavanagh

Me Hearty Irish Breakfast

jueves, 9 de febrero de 2012


In order to study the clothes' vocabulary, pupils from fisrt cycle have made some scarecrows that remember the time when it was usual every family to have an orchard for selfconsumption, a custom that is coming back more and more, because of this times of crisis and food insecurity.

These two scarecrows have been made by Alejandro and Lucía, pupils from Llanos de don Juan's Village ¡Congratulations to them!...

More sccarecrows coming soon...

This scarecrow was made by Manuel and Adriana from Gaena


¿Do you know what is Spanglish? ¿Is it Spanish "en inglés" or English "en español? Learn and enjoy with this video about the vocabulary that use people from Gibraltar area, populary called "Llanitos"

miércoles, 8 de febrero de 2012


Learn this melodic song from the mythical group that changed the musical likes in the sixties. To get information in the Wikipedia, click on the name: